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Alex Alvarez

Alex Alvarez

Undergrad @ Texas A&M University
Researcher @ Brain Networks Lab

I study computer science, psychology, and mathematics at Texas A&M University. In the past I built and sold some companies but at the moment I'm focusing on AI research. I'm especially interested in foundational principles of intelligence and learning emergent in AI and neuroscience.

I came to America when I was eight years old as a political refugee from Cuba. I'd like to one day provide Cuban students with the same education and resources that I had access to in America. I'm a stoic, a voracious reader, and a lover of all combat sports.


New blog post on Fernando Pessoa and consciousness.
My app (and Brain Networks Lab) on the news!

Research Interests:

  • Models of Cognition
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Meta-learning
  • Mechanistic Interpretation
  • Lo-fi Whole Brain Emulation
  • Neuroevolution and Evolutionary Computation
  • Synthetic Connectomics
  • AI Safety