Alex Alvarez

Undergrad @ Texas A&M University
Researcher @ Brain Networks Lab
I study computer science, psychology, and mathematics at Texas A&M University. In the past I built and sold some companies but at the moment I'm focusing on AI research. I'm especially interested in foundational principles of intelligence and learning emergent in AI and neuroscience.
I came to America when I was eight years old as a political refugee from Cuba. I'd like to one day provide Cuban students with the same education and resources that I had access to in America. I'm a stoic, a voracious reader, and a lover of all combat sports.
New blog post on Fernando Pessoa and consciousness.My app (and Brain Networks Lab) on the news!
Research Interests:
- • Models of Cognition
- • Computational Neuroscience
- • Meta-learning
- • Mechanistic Interpretation
- • Lo-fi Whole Brain Emulation
- • Neuroevolution and Evolutionary Computation
- • Synthetic Connectomics
- • AI Safety
Currently on my mind:
Can we predict someone's aesthetic sensitivity or taste? Why do neurons cluster together? How do sea turtles find the same beach they were born in to lay their eggs? Why do Thursdays feel like forest green? Why do humans live in this specific time scale? Why don't we implement ANNs with multiple neurotransmitters? Can we use music algorithms to extricate neuronal activations?
Previously on my mind:
(Projects, research, apps, and sundries)
Why do Americans vote against their own self-interest? Are LLMs conscious? Can we make a virtual real estate social media app? Why are research papers so hard to read? Can AI emulate professors? Why can't I find a website to interactively visualize distribution parameters? How can an algorithm evolve? How do you make a SaaS product for fast food chains? What does the C. Ellegans connectome look like on a 3d plane?